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A serious spinal cord injury may change your life forever. These injuries are known to result in emotional pain, physical problems, and a mountain of medical bills. According to the Mayo Clinic, the most prevalent cause of these injuries is motor vehicle accidents. Even if the spinal cord has not been torn, any injury might cause problems in its ability to function. The severity of the trauma, the location of the injury, and the wounded party’s overall health can influence the severity of spinal cord injuries.

When victims of automobile accidents who suffer significant spinal injuries seek medical help as soon as possible, they have a far better chance of preventing lasting damage. While the prognosis may not be certain in the weeks following a spinal cord injury, physicians can determine the full extent of the damage once the bleeding and swelling have stopped.

Dealing with a serious spinal injury is far from easy. Injured parties should consult with a Houston personal injury lawyer at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD to protect their rights and make a full recovery. 

You Can Limit Your Exposure to Injury

All drivers can prevent serious car crashes by avoiding risky behaviors behind the wheel. Drinking while driving and driver distraction are all completely preventable and contribute to a high number of serious traffic accidents across the country each year. 

Some other ways to reduce the risk of a serious spinal cord injury include: 

  • Check that children are properly restrained in car seats, booster seats, or seatbelts that are properly adjusted.
  • Check to see if your airbag is working properly. Do not drive a vehicle that has been in an accident and does not have working airbags.
  • Pay attention to the road and other people on the road. Pull over and come to a stop if you need to check your phone or send a text. 
  • Before getting behind the wheel, get some rest. According to recent research, driving when sleepy is just as dangerous as driving intoxicated.
  • Maintain your car on a regular basis. Your car may stall or fail if it is not properly maintained.

Pain and Suffering Damages

Most spinal cord injury survivors will experience some degree of despair, anxiety, clinical-level stress, or post-traumatic stress disorder, among other mental health issues. Treatment for mental health conditions is most successful when done before symptoms are present. Your health care practitioner should tell you about mental health treatment choices that can complement your overall rehabilitation strategy.

Friends and family members will be there for you after a serious accident. However, they lack the expertise and training of therapists and mental health experts. Trauma victims should know that they are never alone and that they may always talk to someone.

Houston Car Crash Lawyers

How to Reduce the Risk of Spinal Injury

There are many obstacles that may arise during a car accident claim. That is why you need a trusted attorney on your side. If your case goes to court, an auto accident attorney in Houston can assist you with the difficult personal injury claim paperwork, time-consuming legal processes, and the fight to obtain the money you deserve.

West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD can conduct an investigation into your accident and assist you in obtaining evidence to demonstrate the extent of your injuries. Your lawyer will set up appointments with claims adjusters and assist you at every level of your case in order to obtain the highest potential settlement amount, including gathering evidence to show that the other driver is responsible. 

Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD and Nader Rabie, JD are here to help you make a complete recovery after a severe car accident.

Contact West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD immediately at (713) 840-7200 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation if you or a loved one has been unfairly injured in a traffic accident.