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Motorcycle riders are much more exposed than other kinds of motorists. When a motorcyclist is involved in a crash, they are at increased risk of suffering from severe injuries and death. The best way to protect everyone on the road is to practice strategies that can prevent devastating collisions. All motorists are expected to follow these steps to make sure that the roads that we share are safer for everyone. 

In this article, we will discuss some of the safety measures that can decrease the number of serious collisions involving motorcycles. We will also take a look at what you should do if you find yourself involved in a crash. 

There are many tips that safe motorcyclists should practice. One of the most important is to make sure that you seek proper education when learning to ride. New riders should take a certified safety course so that they can learn all the relevant strategies to stay safe on the road, and even veteran riders can also benefit from a refresher course from time to time. You should actively be looking for ways to keep yourself and others safe when sharing the road, especially as a motorcyclist.

Pay Attention to the Road

One of the primary causes of car crashes is driver distraction. Phone calls and music are just some potential roadway distractions that can take your focus off the road. It is advised to abstain from these types of distractions at all times, especially if you are a less than confident rider. 

Always Follow State Laws

The state has laws in place to ensure that motorcycle riders are safe. Speeding is a very common cause of motorcycle crashes in Texas. At lower speeds, reaction time is increased and crashes are much less likely to happen. Also, when crashes do happen at lower speeds, the resulting injuries and damages are less severe. To put it simply: less speeding means fewer accidents. 


You cannot be a safe rider when you are impaired, even by a small amount of alcohol. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), alcohol-impaired drivers caused 10,497 deaths in just 2016. The chances are high that you will cause a deadly crash while intoxicated, and you should be on the lookout for other drivers who show signs of impairment. 

Remember to Wear a Helmet

Under Texas state law, helmets are only required for riders 20 years of age and younger. However, according to the CDC, helmets saved the lives of 1,859 people in 2016. Research shows that helmets can mean the difference between life or death after a motorcycle collision. A catastrophic motorcycle accident can change your life forever. If you or a loved one has been involved in a collision, you need experienced legal representation on your side. A qualified Houston personal injury lawyer at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD can ensure that you get the compensation you deserve after being injured in a motorcycle accident. 

Houston Motorcycle Crash Attorneys

Tips to Avoid a Catastrophic Motorcycle Crash

Motorcycles are a popular form of transportation all over Houston. However, riding in a big city can be dangerous, and keeping riders safe is not always simple. In Texas, an estimated 52 percent of riders killed in a motorcycle crash were not wearing a helmet, and hundreds of motorcyclists are killed in the state each year. While roadway deaths in the state are decreasing, motorcycle fatalities are on the rise. 

After a crash, you need the best motorcycle accident lawyer to help you recover the compensation you deserve. West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD has a legal team you can trust to fight for your case and make sure that your legal rights are protected. An experienced Texas personal injury attorney can help you feel confident that your rights are secured and that there is a committed team on your side. Give us a call today at 713-840-7200 to discuss your options for possible compensation.