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A crash is a sudden experience that can leave victims reeling. While most collisions only result in minor injuries, they can also be quite severe. The driver liable for your injuries should cover your medical expenses, lost income, and other damages in the event of a crash. You should not be expected to cover those losses on your own. After a crash, the insurance provider will reach out to you for a statement and to get medical information about your treatment. During the confusing moments following a car wreck, it is advised to contact a qualified Houston car accident attorney at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD before you accept a settlement offer from the insurance company. 

Types of Damages in Texas Personal Injury Claims

There are two primary categories of damages that can be awarded in a Texas injury case: compensatory and punitive. 

Compensatory damages are often referred to as actual damages, including medical expenses, medications, rehabilitative therapy costs, future medical treatment, lost income, and pain and suffering. 

Punitive damages are only applied when the liable party acted in a way that is considered grossly negligent. Negligence just means that the person knew, or should have known, that their actions would result in harm to another person. Punitive damages are intended to punish someone and prevent them from similar actions in the future, like drunk driving. 

Always Review Any Settlement Offer

Should I Accept a Settlement After a Car Crash?

In many cases, the insurance company will reach out to you fairly quickly after the crash to offer a settlement. They understand that you will need funds to cover your bills and will be more likely to accept their offer. Sadly, the first offer from the insurance provider probably will not be enough to cover the full value of your damages. In some cases, it will not even be close to cover the costs of your medical treatment, let alone your other damages. 

You should know that if you accept a settlement that you are essentially waiving your right to pursue legal action. You may be tempted to take the check, but it is usually in your best interest to wait so you can check to see if the settlement is fair. Understand that you should not accept a settlement until your treatment is complete or when documentation details your future medical needs.

Early Settlement Can Shift the Risk of Loss

Do not consider greeting to a settlement if the insurance adjuster “estimates” your future medical expenses before you are even certain of the full extent of your injuries. If you do settle and later find out you were more seriously injured than you first thought, or the medical expenses are more than you thought, you will be out of luck. 

Consult with a Houston Auto Accident Attorney

Contact a Houston car wreck lawyer immediately after being injured in a crash. Your lawyer will review the circumstances of your case and will handle the legal issues on your behalf. Your attorney will negotiate a fair settlement with the insurance company to make sure that all your damages are covered, taking into consideration any future medical treatment that may be required. You may also be able to obtain compensation if you suffered a temporary or permanent disability or are unable to return to work. The insurance provider’s initial offer may not consider these aspects of your injury and will instead only offer a standard settlement option that follows insurance company guidelines. If you or a loved one were injured in a crash, we can help. Contact West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD for a consultation to discuss the details of your case. Give us a call today at 713-840-7200 to see how we can help.