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Most of us have been distracted behind at wheel at some time. Whether it is a long day of work causing you to fall asleep or an urgent phone call from the office, we have all had a time where we have zoned out while driving. 

Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky enough to emerge from these situations unharmed. Accidents often occur due to distracted driving, and these crashes can have catastrophic consequences. When these types of crashes take place, those responsible should be held liable for their actions. 

Texas Wrongful Death Claims

Bringing a Texas Wrongful Death Case After a Distracted Driving Crash

Filing a wrongful death claim in Texas can be complicated. The state defines that such actions can be brought the wrongful act, neglect, carelessness, unskillfulness, or default of a someone else results in the death of another. Also, only certain parties are able to bring a Houston wrongful death claim. For instance, in Texas, the children, parents, and surviving spouse of the deceased may file a wrongful death claim. These parties can file a claim on their own or can choose to file all claims collectively. Adult children are also able to file a wrongful death claim due to the death of a parent, but state law does not allow siblings to pursue wrongful death claims after the loss of another sibling. 

Successful Texas wrongful death claims may result in many types of damages. Parties may seek different types of compensation depending on the circumstances of their claim. Damages can compensate for losses such as:

  • loss of companionship
  • lost inheritance
  • pain and suffering
  • lost earning capacity, 
  • and lost support or services that would have been provided by the deceased to family members or loved ones. 

In certain cases, punitive damages are available. These damages may be recovered when the death is the result of a willful act or gross negligence. These losses are intended to punish the at-fault party and deter similar future actions. 

Contact a Houston Wrongful Death Attorney

If you or a loved one has been involved in a Texas car accident, contact the Houston personal injury attorneys at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD. Our team of qualified attorneys have years of experience representing and advocating for our clients and have worked on a variety of personal injury claims. We can help you build a strong case so that you and your loved ones can recover the compensation you deserve. 

Houston Car Accident Attorneys

After being injured in a crash, you need an experienced Houston car wreck lawyer to answer all your questions. You need to know that you are not alone after being unfairly injured in a collision. When looking for a Houston lawyer referral, look no further than West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD. The sooner you give us a call, the sooner we can help you obtain the recovery you need and deserve. Contact our law offices at 713-840-7200 to discuss your case today.