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Burn injuries are extremely common. Each year there are more than 3 million reported burn injury cases in the United States. Burns claim the lives of about 265,000 individuals worldwide each year. You may have grounds to seek a claim for damages after suffering a serious burn. 

t is possible to file a claim against the individual who caused your harm due to their negligence. Before your case goes to trial, there are many steps you have to take. It is a good idea to talk to a personal injury lawyer in Houston about the process so you understand how it works. 

The legal team at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD is here to help you make a complete recovery after being unfairly injured by another person. This is what you need to do to file a claim after a burn injury. 

File a Report

If you can, report the accident right away. Someone else will have to report it if you are unable to. For example, if the injury occurred at work or in a public location with witnesses, those individuals should have already reported it. Later, your Houston burn injury attorney will call to learn what exactly took place. 


Your lawyer will ask you questions to find out what happened. He or she will also gather evidence to support your side of the story. Evidence may include: 

  • Pictures
  • Medical records
  • Witness testimonies
  • Video surveillance tapes

File a Lawsuit Against the At-Fault Party

Filing your lawsuit may happen almost immediately. In other cases, it may take some time to create a strong case. As long as the statute of limitations has not expired, there are no downsides to taking your time to build your case. An attorney can help you figure out what statutes apply to your situation to ensure you don’t lose your right to file a claim. 

Start Negotiations

The goal of the negotiations process is to try to come to an agreement that settles the conflict satisfactorily for both parties. You may be able to recover the following losses:  

  • Medical expenses
  • Missed wages
  • Lost future earnings
  • Pain and suffering

If a deal cannot be reached during negotiations, both sides must prepare for a trial. Both parties employ attorneys and begin gathering evidence and witnesses to back up their claims. In the end, the judge or jury will decide who was at fault for your injuries.

Reaching a Settlement

If you win at trial, you’ll be compensated according to the specifics of your claim. If you lose, you still have the option to appeal the verdict.

If you don’t think negotiating and going to trial is worth the effort, or if you don’t have the time or money to pursue a claim, you may be able to get compensation through an insurance company’s settlement offer. In this situation, your lawyer will engage the insurance company and attempt to reach an arrangement. This might effectively end your claim or provide you the opportunity to bring a case at a later date. 

Burn Injury Attorneys in Houston

Seeking an Injury Claim After a Burn Injury

Burn injuries are incredibly common and often leave victims suffering from intense physical and emotional pain. If you have suffered a burn injury caused by someone else’s reckless actions, contact a Houston burn injury lawyer at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD.  

The severity of a burn injury can vary tremendously and can require anything from a simple Band-Aid to multiple invasive surgeries. It is crucial that burn victims are prepared to protect their rights. Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD and Nader Rabie, JD can help you fight for the full value of your claim. 

Contact West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD today at (713) 840-7200 if you or a loved one has unfairly suffered a serious burn injury.