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Determining liability for a truck accident can be overwhelming and complicated. By filing a commercial vehicle injury claim, you may find yourself unsure who the at-fault party may be. Would you file a suit against the trucker? What about the trucking company? Maybe even the insurance provider of the trucking company? All these questions and more are why you need an experienced Houston personal injury attorney on your side. 

Right after a truck accident, you should hand over the legal aspects of your case to your attorney. This will allow you to focus on your own recovery and the wellbeing of you and your family. That’s how we like to do things at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD. We don’t want you to worry about the complex legal process. Rest assured, you’re in good hands, and we will fight to obtain the full compensation you deserve. 

You Need Skilled Legal Help

Many of our clients ask us if commercial vehicle accidents are handled differently than typical car accident cases. Even though commercial vehicle accidents are subject to many different laws, the truth is that the basis of these collisions is essentially the same: due to roadway conditions, lack of judgment, or other negligent factors, two or more vehicles were involved in a crash, and all the drivers and passengers involved in the accident should seek immediate medical attention as well as legal counsel from a qualified Texas personal injury lawyer. 

Hire an Experienced Houston Trucking Injury Lawyer

Who Is Liable After a Houston 18-Wheeler Accident? Accident?

Even if you didn’t cause the crash and were able to walk away without being injured, having a Houston truck accident lawyer on your side is an asset. Your insurance provider may be unable to provide complete compensation to cover the damage to your vehicle, and the company responsible for the semi-truck may refuse to pay you what you deserve. If you were injured in the crash and are not responsible for the accident, recovering compensation from the commercial trucking company could cover your medical expenses. If you believe you may be partially or completely liable for the collision, you will want the help of a qualified lawyer to construct a strong defense in court. Don’t hesitate to contact Houston semi-truck crash attorney Nhan Nguyen if you have any questions about your case, and we will fight diligently to obtain a successful outcome. 

Best Houston Truck Accident Lawyers

Each year, an estimated 2,850 people are injured on the roads of Houston each year. In 2017, fatalities involving semi-truck accidents increased by 9 percent across the country. The massive size of these vehicles means that they can be completely devastating in the event of an accident involving a smaller passenger car. 

Victims injured in a crash involving a semi-truck need the help of a qualified Houston personal injury attorney with experience handling truck accident injury claims. Nhan Nguyen, Nader A. Rabie, and our entire experienced legal team can help you determine who is at fault for the crash and fight for you to recover the full extent of your damages. Contact the legal team at 713-840-7200 West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD today to discuss your options for compensation.