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If you or a loved has been injured in a crash with a commercial vehicle, you are probably feeling overwhelmed, to say the least. The resulting injuries can be devastating and even life-threatening, and the medical bills pile up fast. If you’re unable to return to work after the accident, how will you be able to pay for your recovery? West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD can help you get on the right track toward recovering lost compensation. We will do everything possible to help you recover. 

Contact a Houston 18-Wheeler Crash Attorney

Crashes with 18-wheelers can be catastrophic, considering that these semi-trucks can weigh up to 80,000 pounds. After a semi-truck collision, we advise our clients that they seek the help of a qualified Texas trucking injury lawyer immediately. Insurance companies and trucking companies will already be on the scene, doing whatever they can to protect their own interests. You need someone who is fighting for your interests, someone who can preserve evidence and ensure that you don’t provide unnecessary information to the insurance company. That’s why we advise that you meet with a lawyer as soon as you can. 

Pursuing a Lawsuit Against a Trucking Company

When we bring a suit against a trucking company, our clients often wonder if they can sue the trucking company after the crash. We tell our clients that we usually sue the trucker for violating driving safety rules, but we also sue the trucking company that employed him and that let him operate a truck on public roads. These companies are required to complete extensive background checks on all their drivers before letting them hit the road. The trucking company is also liable for the negligence of its truckers. Those are just two of the many possible reasons that allow us to file suit against a trucking company that can be held responsible for the negligent actions contributing to an accident. 

Reach out to a qualified Houston 18-wheeler injury lawyer if you have any questions about your case. 

Texas Truck Accident Lawyers

Injured in an 18-Wheeler Crash? We Can Help

Deadly semi-truck crashes happen with alarming frequency all across the country. There are more than 500,000 reported semi-truck crashes each year in the United States. 130,000 people are seriously injured in these accidents. 

Those driving passenger vehicles are at a serious disadvantage when they’re involved in a crash with an 18-wheeler. The size and speed of these massive vehicles make them particularly dangerous. Injured parties should consult with a qualified Houston personal injury lawyer to pursue the compensation they deserve after a crash. 
At West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD, we have experienced lawyers who can fight diligently on your behalf. Nhan Nguyen, Nader A. Rabie, and the rest of our qualified legal team can provide you with the top-quality legal representation necessary for a successful case. Give us a call at 713-840-7200 to see what we can do for you.