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In their ads on TV, insurance companies try to put up a front that they are friendly and helpful, but that’s not the reality. After a wreck, there are many steps you need to take, and you should be careful when dealing with insurance adjusters — keep in mind that their jobs depend on getting you to accept the lowest possible settlement for your injuries. 

Remember This | The Adjuster Is Not Your Friend

Dealing with the Adjuster After a Houston Accident

This needs to be tattooed in your brain after an accident — the insurance adjuster is not your friend. Their job is to make money for their employer — i.e. the insurance company —  by minimizing the payout for your claim. That could mean offering you a low-ball settlement much lower than you deserve. You shouldn’t accept the initial offer, as this will prevent you from accepting a future settlement more worthy of your injuries. 

You should know that the adjuster assigned to your claim probably doesn’t even work for your insurance company. Most injury claims are made against the insurance provider of the driver at-fault for the accident. If a bad driver injured you or a family member, your claim will be made against that driver’s insurance company. 

There are some exceptions here, namely if the bad driver doesn’t carry car liability insurance — even though it’s required under the law in Texas. In that case, if your own auto insurance policy includes uninsured motorist coverage, you can make a claim with your own insurance provider. 

Even in such a case, you’ll be dealing with insurance adjusters whose main goal is to deny, delay, and underpay you for your claim. They may act like they’re your friend, but in the end, they aren’t looking out for your best interests. They’re looking out for the interests of their employer. 

The adjuster’s job is to minimize your injuries and even make you feel guilty for even filing a claim. Most people who have been involved in a wreck, even if they aren’t at-fault, will still feel a little guilty. The adjuster preys on this fact and will try to use it against you. 

Don’t Ever Give Statements to Insurance Adjusters

The tactics used by adjusters are exactly why you need to know how to deal with them after a car wreck in Houston. These tricks usually start when they ask you to provide a recorded statement that can later be used against you. It’s actually best not to offer any information beyond the key facts of the accident without first consulting with a skilled auto accident attorney at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD

When an adjuster first reaches out to you about your claim, you’re not required to provide a statement — no matter what the adjuster tells you. Just direct the adjuster to your car accident lawyer. He or she will see any possible setbacks and be able to protect you and your claim. 

Texas Personal Injury Lawyers Know All the Tricks

Our Houston car accident lawyers have years of combined experience dealing with adjusters on a daily basis. Our legal team understands the tricks of the trade and can help you understand what you should and shouldn’t say to the adjuster. We will help protect your legal rights and make sure you recover a fair settlement after being injured by a bad driver. 

Dealing with the Adjuster After a Houston Accident

That all starts with knowing how much your claim is really worth. Based on the experience of handling countless cases, your car crash lawyer will know the reasonable and fair amount that the insurance company should give you for your injuries. 

The value of your claim depends on the nature of your injuries, the cost of your medical bills, lost income due to your injuries, and the pain and suffering caused by the wreck. 

Nhan Nguyen, Nader A. Rabie, and the other members of our legal team are here to help you negotiate the best settlement possible. Most car wreck cases are settled in this way, but if the insurance company doesn’t want to cooperate, we can file a car accident lawsuit on your behalf to fight for what you deserve. 

Houston Car Accident Lawyer Near Me

Car wrecks are the leading cause of death across the country, including right here in Texas. In 2017, there were 3,727 reported deaths in the state related to car accidents, and tens of thousands more were seriously injured. After being injured in a crash, you need an experienced Houston car wreck lawyer to answer all your questions. 

You need to know that you’re not alone after being unfairly injured in a collision. When looking for a Houston lawyer referral, look no further than West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD. The sooner you give us a call, the sooner we can help you obtain the recovery you need and deserve. Contact our law offices at 713-840-7200 to discuss your case today.