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If you feel that you can’t drive on a Texas highway without seeing a long line of trucks, it isn’t just your imagination. Houston is a major hub for the transportation industry, and thousands of trucks pass through the state each day. Unsurprisingly, Texas has the most trucking accidents in the country. If you are injured in a trucking collision, you could be facing severe or life-threatening injuries and a lengthy, expensive medical recovery. A Houston truck accident lawyer at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD can help hold the negligent driver or trucking company accountable for your damages. 

Texas Trucking Accident Statistics 

 According to data published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Texas has the highest rate of trucking collisions in the nation. This data changes on a yearly basis, but Texas is often on or near the top of the list. One reason is probably that Texas is a large state with a lot of traffic, including big trucks. Other states near the top of the list include California and Florida. Compared to states lower on the list, like South Dakota, Texas has up to 30 times more truck accidents. Around 3.5% of deadly collisions nationwide involve trucks, on average. In Texas, the average is closer to 7%, almost twice the national average. 

Factors That Contribute to Trucking Accidents

Other than the volume of trucks on the state’s roads, there are many other factors that contribute to semi-truck accidents. Texas has many seaports, so there is a notable amount of shipping completed in the state. The oil industry is also a factor in the increased rate of deadly trucking accidents. There is a higher number of trucks carrying hazardous petro-chemicals on our interstates. Other potential risk factors that may play a role in the increased rate of trucking accidents are infrastructure issues and roadway debris. 

In Houston, it may seem that the highways are always under construction, but many of our roadways are in desperate need of repair. Excess traffic, especially from trucks, can cause damage to streets that need more frequent maintenance and upkeep. This can also result in the degradation of truck tires. Tire blowouts are very common and can cause devastating accidents. Road and bridge debris can get onto the roads and cause collisions. More traffic on the roads also can increase crash rates. The highways in Houston are particularly and frequently congested.

Texas Leads the Nation in 18-Wheeler Accidents

Truck accidents can happen for many reasons. When they occur, the results can be catastrophic. Injuries are often severe and involve expensive medical treatment. The negligent part covers the damages resulting from the incident. 

Some examples of damages resulting from a Texas semi-truck accident include medical expenses, lost income, and pain suffering. If you or someone you love was injured in a Houston trucking accident, do not hesitate. The law places limits on the time you have to file a claim. Contact a qualified Houston 18 wheeler accident lawyer after an accident. 

18-Wheeler Accident Lawyers in Houston

Those driving passenger vehicles are at a serious disadvantage when they’re involved in a crash with an 18-wheeler. The size and speed of these massive vehicles make them particularly dangerous. Injured parties should consult with a qualified Houston personal injury lawyer to pursue the compensation they deserve after a crash. 

At West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD, we have experienced lawyers who can fight diligently on your behalf. Nhan Nguyen, Nader A. Rabie, and the rest of our qualified legal team can provide you with the top-quality legal representation necessary for a successful case. Give us a call at 713-840-7200 to see what we can do for you.