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Ridesharing is an increasingly popular way to get around Houston. Last year, there were reportedly 103 million Uber users and 4 million drivers across the country in a total of 700 cities. There are other ridesharing companies, too, including Uber’s primary competitor Lyft. 

With the popular trend of rideshares, it is little surprise that there are many crashes involving Uber drivers. If you were injured in an Uber or Lyft accident, you may be eligible to recover lost compensation for your injuries, and a Houston rideshare accident lawyer at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD, can help you with your case. 

What to Do Following an Uber/Lyft Accident

I Was Injured in an Uber Accident. What Do I Do?

Crashes involving Uber drivers are a lot like other collisions. Although you are a passenger, you should still report the crash to authorities. If the driver is not willing to stop, you should insist that he or she pull over and let you contact the police. In some cases, a driver may be hesitant to report a crash because it could negatively impact their ability to continue working for the rideshare company. The police will make a report, take down statements from witnesses, and obtain driver information. You should get some information from your driver and take a photo of the license plate. 

You should seek medical attention immediately, no later than 72 hours after the time of the crash. The longer you wait to see a physician, the harder it will be to prove that your injuries were caused by the accident. 

Contact Uber to report the collision. While drivers must file a report, many fail to do so. You should also obtain a copy of the Houston crash report filed by the authorities. 

Keep records of your medical treatment and costs related to the crash. Consult with a Houston personal injury lawyer to discuss the accident. The negligent driver or rideshare company could cover all damages associated with the crash. 

Who is Responsible for Uber/Lyft Accidents?

Uber has insurance coverage in place for crashes that happen while Uber drivers are transporting passengers. Despite this fact, the policy has limits, and the company will likely try to reduce your payment — or even avoid paying anything entirely. Drivers should have insurance in place to protect them while they are off duty or between providing fares. Rideshare collisions can be complex because the insurance providers will need to assign a portion of liability to all drivers involved. 

It is in your best interest to have a lawyer acting on your behalf. Your Houston Uber/Lyft accident lawyer will communicate and negotiate with the insurance company, evaluate your case, and gather information to provide evidence of negligence to cover your damages. 

Your damages could include more than just your medical expenses. It can also include compensation for lost income if you were unable to return to work while recovering. The negligent driver may also owe you for the pain and suffering you experienced due to your injuries. 

Uber/Lyft Accident Attorneys in Houston

While companies like Uber and Lyft are often celebrated for making the roads safer, the industry has come under intense scrutiny. A study from the University of Chicago found that Uber and Lyft have increased traffic fatalities by as much as 3 percent. That comes out to 1,100 additional deaths each year. To make matters worse, those injured in rideshare crashes often experience difficulty recovering the compensation they deserve. 

An experienced Houston rideshare crash attorney can help you recover after being injured in a rideshare accident. These companies try to avoid liability however they can, and you need someone who is fighting for your best interests. The legal team at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD has spent their careers representing injured parties and fighting to hold people and businesses accountable for negligence, carelessness, and misconduct that have caused serious and fatal injuries. Give us a call today at 713-840-7200 to discuss your case.