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It only takes seconds to be involved in a serious car accident. At one moment, you are driving along, and the next, you are sitting in a smashed-up vehicle, waiting for the police to arrive. Crashes can occur when you least expect them, and when they do, it is important that you understand what to do next. Unfortunately, many crash victims fail to seek medical treatment quickly, and that can lead to issues when pursuing a personal injury claim for damages. The at-fault party should be held responsible for your damages associated with the accident, but you must first prove your injuries resulted from the crash. If you need help understanding your legal rights, you should contact a Houston car wreck lawyer at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD. 

Visit the Doctor Immediately After the Crash

Some injuries are more severe than others, so you may not feel that you need to go to the hospital at the time of the crash, but there are many reasons why you should visit the doctor immediately following the accident. The longer you take to get medical treatment, the harder it will be to prove that your injuries were severe and were caused by the crash. If you wait to go to the hospital, the insurance provider may try to argue that you were not injured in the collision. If you do not visit the doctor immediately, you may end up obtaining less compensation than you really deserve. 

Collect Medical Documentation

After visiting the doctor, you need to gather evidence of your hospital visits and invoices. This documentation is required to show that your injuries were caused by the crash and that you suffered serious injuries. After visiting the doctor, tell them how you were injured so it can be noted in your medical report. Do not seek treatment for any other issues, and tell the physician if you had previous injuries. The crash could cause pre-existing injuries to return. Follow the physician’s orders, and if the doctor tells you to return later for evaluation, follow through. 

Does It Hurt My Case If I Don’t See a Doctor After a Houston Car Accident?

What Happens If I Waited to See the Doctor?

Crash victims often fail to visit the doctor right away. You may not believe that your injuries were major, or you may not have noticed the injury immediately. You should visit the physician quickly, but do not worry if you waited to see the doctor. You should always tend to your own health first, regardless of its impact on a potential personal injury claim

You should understand that a significant delay in seeking medical care or follow-up can have an impact on your personal injury case. Waiting too long before seeking initial treatment for a specific injury can make it harder to connect it to the accident. If a crash victim waits months before seeing a doctor about their condition, it will be very difficult for the doctor to testify that the crash caused the injury. The injured party bears the burden to show the claim and causation on damages. Your Houston car accident attorney can help you construct a strong case and recover the full value of your compensation. 

Houston Car Wreck Attorneys

Car crashes are life-changing events. A wreck can be physically, financially, and emotionally draining. Injured parties need to consult with a qualified Houston car accident attorney to understand their legal rights to compensation. If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in an accident in Texas, you need to know that you are not alone. West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD is here to pursue the compensation you need to pay for your damages. We treat every case with equal importance and focus on getting the effective results our clients deserve. Contact our law offices today at 713-840-7200 to see how we can help.