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Across the country, there are more than 6.1 million car crashes reported each year. More than quarter-million of these collisions took place in Texas in 2017. Houston natives are far too familiar with devastating car crashes like the multi-vehicle pileups that take place on the state’s highways. 

Insurance companies often argue that the defendant is not liable for the crash. It can be difficult to accurately reconstruct a Houston car crash long after the accident has taken place, so victims of these collisions are often blamed for being the cause or sharing fault for an accident. When both parties are at fault for the crash, known as “comparative negligence,” it can result in the victim being unable to recover any compensation at all. 

You should not let responsible parties off the hook after a crash when you are not at fault. Hire a Harris County car accident lawyer who understands how to present your case. Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD, Nader Rabie, JD, and the rest of the experienced team of personal injury lawyers at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD have helped countless accident victims obtain full compensation for their injuries. 

Let’s look at some tips to help you obtain a car crash settlement with the help of a qualified Houston car accident attorney. 

Take Pictures at the Scene of the Accident

After a crash, the best thing you can do is have family ready to come to the scene as soon as possible. They can help you take videos, photos, and even interview witnesses at the scene. You should try to get the name of any officials at the scene who may have witnessed the crash and collect contact information. You should provide this information to your Houston car accident lawyer immediately in order to start building your case. 

How Do I Obtain an Insurance Settlement in Texas?

Ask for the Black Box

In the event of a high-speed crash, you should let any responding officers at the scene know that you want the “black box” of the other driver examined in order to determine their speed at the time of the accident. All modern vehicles are equipped with a computer that will record the impact speed when airbags are deployed. This is the same type of technology used to determine the cause of airplane crashes. Your Harrs County car accident lawyer can file a notice to preserve the evidence with the court. 

Never Talk to Insurance Adjusters

You are not obligated to provide your name, address, phone number, or the contact information of your Houston car accident lawyer to the insurance adjuster. You should never attempt to explain what happened, as the adjuster can try to use your words against you in order to shift liability for the crash. Your Houston car accident attorney will work to present your case fairly by providing carefully drafted statements on your behalf. 

Calculate All Your Expenses & Damages

You need to calculate your expenses and damages after a crash, including the cost of your medical bills, lost income, and the value of your car before the accident in order to determine the potential amount your case may be worth. 

Do Not Post Photos on Social Media

If you claim that you suffered serious injuries in a Houston car accident and then post photos on social media showing you with a smiling face on vacation, this can harm your claim and be used to mislead a jury. It is advised to not record highlights in your life while in the process of pursuing a personal injury case. 

Houston Car Wreck Attorneys

Houston residents know how devastating car crashes can be. There were 47,585 reported collisions in the city in 2012 alone, with 7,307 people suffering severe injuries. Dealing with the aftermath of a traumatic accident can be overwhelming on your own. When injured parties believe that a reckless driver is responsible for their injuries, they are able to pursue a personal injury claim to recover lost compensation.

West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD is here to make sure that you recover the full value of your claim. Our team of Houston car wreck attorneys will fight for the compensation you need to pay for your damages including medical bills, lost wages, pain and injury, and other expenses related to your accident. Give us a call today at 713-840-7200 to see how we can help.