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With so many people focused on safety, it would seem that wrongful death would happen less and less. There are many precautions being taken with vehicles and electronics to ensure that they are as safe as possible, but there are many risks that are not being addressed in the same way. 

Medications are one example. Prescription opioid overdoses have been rising in recent years, resulting in thousands of deaths across the country. Physicians who write these prescriptions can be held liable for overdose deaths with the help of a Houston opioid overdose lawyer at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD. 

Why Would a Doctor Be Liable for Wrongful Death?

In some cases, a drug overdose may not be the fault of the patient. A wrongful death is attributed to the negligence or intentional harm of another party. A physician could act recklessly or even maliciously while prescribing a patient with medications. This can take many forms over the course of treatment. 

It may be found that a doctor:

  • Prescribed an excessive dosage of a drug
  • Failed to monitor signs of addiction or abuse
  • Did not inform the patient of the potential risks of the drug

The physician is responsible for properly educating and medicating patients, and he or she could be held liable if the prescribed drugs resulted in the death of the patient. 

What Can I Do About the Wrongful Death of a Loved One?

Overdose death is often tragic and can lead to confusion. Texas has specific laws in place regarding wrongful death, and surviving family members deserve compensation. Potential claimants need to know that they have two years from the time of death to pursue a wrongful death case in Texas. 

You can only pursue a wrongful death suit in Texas if you are a representative of the deceased. Other family members are also allowed to submit a claim for their own damages. If your case is successful, then you and your family will be able to obtain compensation for:

  • Wages that the deceased would have made
  • Emotional loss
  • Any expenses resulting from the deceased’s medical treatment and funeral

Coping with the loss of a loved one is extremely painful. Pursuing justice for a preventable tragedy could make the process a bit easier for you and your family. 

Can I File a Wrongful Death Suit Over a Prescription Overdose in Texas?

Houston Opioid Overdose Lawyers 

Victims of opioid overdose and their families should consult with a qualified personal injury firm that understands the law and can help you fight for the right to legal compensation by filing a medical malpractice claim.

West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD, represents the families of Texans killed by opioid addiction. Physicians should only prescribe powerful opioids, including fentanyl, oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, morphine, or methadone, for short-term pain recovery. When these drugs are prescribed improperly and result in overdose or death, a Houston opioid lawsuit lawyer should be consulted in order to file a personal injury claim. Contact our offices today at 713-840-7200 to discuss your case.