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New Study Finds Young Drivers Engage in Reckless Behaviors

Most people assume that teenagers are primarily responsible for the growing texting and driving problem across the United States. However, a new study from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety revealed that texting while driving is actually more prevalent among young adult drivers. 

According to the AAA study, drivers from the ages 19 to 24 are more likely to check their phones while driving than any other age group. The study polled 2,500 drivers about dangerous driving habits. 

Researchers revealed that nearly 88.4% of drivers in this age group admitted to engaging in dangerous behaviors behind the wheel, including speeding, texting while driving, and running red lights. 

Only 79.2% of drivers between the ages of 25 and 39 reported engaging in the same reckless behaviors, while only 69.3% of teenage drivers admitted to participating in these actions behind the wheel. 

After being unfairly injured by a negligent driver, you should contact a qualified Houston personal injury attorney to discuss your right to compensation. 

Majority of Young Drivers Text while Behind the Wheel

AAA Study Results

The AAA study found the following: 

  • Drivers ages 19 to 24 were nearly 1.4 times more likely to admit to driving 10 miles per hour over the speed limit in residential areas
  • Roughly 12% of drivers in this age group claimed it was acceptable to drive 10 mph over the speed limit in a school zone
  • Less than 5% of all drivers reported that it was acceptable to travel at 10 mph over the speed limit in a school zone
  • More than 75% of respondents reported speeding on freeways is unacceptable, but nearly half claimed they drove 15 mph over posted speed limits in the past month
  • Almost all respondents claimed that drunk driving is a safety risk, though more than one in eight surveyed admitted to driving after drinking in the last year
  • Young drivers between the ages of 19 and 24 are more likely to normalize texting and driving and are less supportive of legislation to eliminate distractions on the road

The study reveals that young adult drivers largely view their dangerous driving behaviors as normal, and this puts others at risk when traveling on the nation’s roadways. 

If you were injured in a Houston car wreck caused by a negligent driver, you may be able to recover lost compensation for medical expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering. The Houston-based car accident attorneys at West Loop Law and the Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD will fight to hold negligent drivers responsible for the damages they caused and recover fair compensation for your damages. 

Texas Car Accident Attorneys

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, you need to consult with one of our qualified Texas personal injury lawyers today. At West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD, we provide aggressive legal representation to those injured in personal injury accidents. We can advise you on how to seek compensation for your damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. 

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, contact our offices immediately at 713-840-7200 to see what we can do for you.