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When looking for the best personal injury attorney in Houston to work on your case, it is easy to become overwhelmed. You will sit down with a few different lawyers, ask them questions, and ultimately choose the lawyer you think will do the best for your case. 

This can be a daunting task, but it’s often necessary. How else will you know that your car wreck lawyer will represent you as best as they can? It’s crucial to know all the facts. 

Here are some common questions to ask your personal injury attorney. 

What Is Your Area of Specialty?

Just like doctors have specialty areas, many lawyers do as well. A key question to ask your possible personal injury lawyer is about their area of specialty. 

Is their primary focus personal injury cases, like car accidents, or are they spread among many different areas? Certain attorneys focus on criminal defense of commercial affairs, while others will spend their time working on car wreck cases. Specialty is relevant because you want a personal injury lawyer who is at the top of their game. 

If your lawyer routinely covers cases like your own, they will know how to handle every aspect of your case and be informed on relevant rules and regulations. 

What Is Your Fee Structure?

If you are pursuing a personal injury case, there is a significant chance you have suffered both financially and emotionally. The purpose of taking your case to court is to ensure the at-fault party is held responsible for your compensation. However, you have to make sure that you are going to be able to afford your attorney. That means you need to know how much your lawyer charges for their services. 

Certain lawyers charge by the hour — which can be extremely expensive for an experienced attorney — while others operate on a contingent fee basis. The contingent fee structure is fairly simple: if you don’t win the case, you don’t have to pay. 

You still need to cover the expenses of building the case — including paying for reports and materials. However, you will not be charged for the lawyer’s time. If you win, you will have to pay the lawyer between 33 to 45% of your winnings. 

Key Questions to Ask Your Houston Personal Injury Attorney

How Long Should My Case Take?

There is no personal injury lawyer in Houston who will know the exact timeframe of your case, but they can give you a loose estimate based on past experience. If you hire a Houston personal injury lawyer with relevant experience, they will surely have an idea of how long your case will take — and your chances of winning. 

It is good to know how long your case will take so you can budget properly. If you are paying your attorney by the hour, you will need to know if it’s going to be worth your while. 

How Many Lawyers Will Work on My Case?

Many times when people see a billboard with a smiling attorney, they will contact the firm thinking that exact lawyer will be working on their case. This may be true in some cases, but it is not always how it works out. If you meet with a personal injury attorney in Houston, you should ask who will be working on your case. Will it be one lawyer or several? This can help prevent confusion later on. 

What Is Your Success Rate?

While it may be seem rude to ask your lawyer “how good are you?” it is often necessary. Afterall, there may be hundreds of thousands of dollars on the line. If your chosen attorney does not have a strong success rate or is not very skilled at their profession, you are at risk of losing a significant sum. It may feel uncomfortable, but asking the questions and finding our the details of their previous cases acn provide peace of mind. 

Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer in Houston at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD

Hiring a personal injury attorney in Houston is not something you do every day. This means that you are not expected to be experienced during the hiring process. Rather than make a costly error, you should take the time to ask your potential lawyer some key questions. It can help ensure that you choose the best personal injury attorney

At West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD, we believe in helping our clients through these difficult times and doing our best to make the process as simple as possible. If you’re looking for a qualified car accident or injury lawyer in Houston, contact us today at 713-840-7200. We are here to help.