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Dog bites can happen when you least expect them. In some cases, the dog is just playing and it gets a little too rough. In other cases, the dog may misunderstand the actions of their owner. Dog bites can also happen due to the negligence of owners. 

When dogs are neglected, mistreated, or improperly trains, they may lash out or become aggressive with little warning. This means that dog bites can range from a slight nip to an aggressive attack. The cost of dog bites can be extremely expensive, and injured parties should not be left to pick up the tab. 

Damages in Dog Bite Cases

The damages that can result from a serious dog bite or attack can include many kinds of injuries, including:

  • Scarring
  • Infection
  • Broken digits and bones
  • Medical expenses
  • Severe lacerations, and
  • Death

All of these damages may be claimed against the insurance provider of the dog owner when evidence shows that the owner acted negligently or had knowledge that the dog was aggressive or had bitten before. 

These Damages Can Be Costly for Victims

Scar revision surgeries are a common way to handle unsightly scarring resulting from a dog bite. These are common when the scar is in a highly visible area, such as the face. There were 28,384 reconstructive surgeries performed in 2019 to repair damage resulting from dog bites, according to data from the American Society for Plastic Surgeons

That amounts to nearly 16% of all plastic surgeries performed that year. Just for a single scar, the repair costs may range from a few thousand dollars to nearly $30,000. All of these expenses must be considered by Houston dog bite lawyers who represent dog bite victims so that the insurance company of the dog owner can be held responsible for the full extent of the resulting damages. 

National Statistics on Dog Bites

An annual study conducted by the Insurance Information Institute and State Farm found that there were 17,802 claims made against homeowner’s insurance policies in 2019 alone. Insurance companies covered nearly $797 million to settle those claims, an average of $44,760 per claim. Sadly, Houston led the nation in dog bites to postal workers in 2019, according to the annual report from the U.S. Post Office, granting Houston the title of “Dog Bite Capital of the World.”

The Repercussions of Dog Bite Attacks

How Do Dog Attacks Impact Homeowner’s Insurance?

The cost of dog bites can have two effects on homeowner’s insurance. One is that many insurance plans exclude injuries resulting from dog bites. This leaves the owners left with paying for resulting damages. The other impact is the same as living in a city with a high rate of car accidents — the insurance rates can go up across the board. 

Unfortunately, many of these accidents are completely preventable if the owners had taken greater care to keep their dogs from getting loose and attacking innocent victims. 

Houston Personal Injury Lawyers

Dog bite victims need the help of a trusted and caring personal injury lawyer in Houston to help them recover the compensation they deserve. An experienced law firm can show you the ropes and help you understand your legal rights after an accident West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD is here to help. We believe in fighting for the rights of those who’ve been unfairly injured due to the actions of a negligent dog owner. We’re here to take over your case and fight for the compensation you need while you focus on your own wellbeing. Give us a call at 713-840-7200 to discuss your case today.