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Driving on its own can be dangerous — and even deadly in the event of a catastrophic car accident in Texas. When you add texting to the equation, you are essentially asking for disaster. 

Sadly, many drivers hit the road and pick up a buzzing phone or respond to a quick text message without hesitation. A few seconds is all it takes to fail to notice a stopped car or a pedestrian crossing the road. 

How Dangerous Is Texting and Driving?

Recent studies have found that texting behind the wheel is nearly as dangerous to the public as a drunk driver. With the rapid growth in the popularity of smartphones and text messaging as the dominant form of communication, there has been an unwelcome increase in serious traffic accidents. 

The most recent data available shows that nearly 26% of all car wrecks in 2014 involved cellphone use. An estimated nine people lose their lives each day due to distracted driving and more than 1,000 are injured daily nationwide because of driver distraction. The risk of a collision is increased by nearly 23 times when you are texting behind the wheel. 

Texting while driving is so dangerous that operators of semi-trucks and 18-wheelers are prohibited from texting while handling a rig, and truckers who are reading or entering data in an electronic divide are in violation of safety regulations. 

Teenage Drivers and Texting

The Serious Risk of Texting and Driving

The problem of texting while driving is even greater with beginning or teenage drivers who are more likely to text than to talk on their cellphones. Any parent of a teenager can tell you that teenagers can send thousands of text messages a month, and this can result in catastrophe for a teen driver. 

Around 42% of teenage drivers in 2015 admitted that they had texted while on the road. It is probably no coincidence that texting and driving is the leading cause of fatality in teens. 

It is important that parents ensure that teenagers do not use their phones for texting or talking while behind the wheel. Not only that, but parents should also monitor their teen drivers for the use of a cellphone while driving on Texas roadways. 

There is no second chance with a car crash. Make sure that your teen driver understands the risks and that they do not text or ride with a texting driver. It is up to parents to lead by example and practice safe driving. 

Apps or Silent Mode

There are apps that can detect motion and turn off texting functions, and this is a great start. However, putting your phone on silent whenever you’re on the road is probably a better option 

Texting and the Law

States around the country are cracking down hard on distracted drivers. There are 38 states, along with Washington, D.C., that have banned all cellphone use by novice or teen drivers. 

Here are some examples of how states are trying to steer teenagers and experienced drivers away from using their cellphones on the road entirely:

  • 15 states, along with DC, Puerto Rico, Guam, and U.S. Virgin Islands, prohibit drivers from using handheld phones while in the driver’s seat. 
  • 47 states, along with DC, Puerto Rico, Guam, and U.S. Virgin Islands, have a ban on texting for all drivers.
  • As of September 1, 2017, all drivers in Texas are banned from texting while driving.

It is important that you stay safe while behind the wheel of a ar in order to prevent a serious Houston car accident. If you believe you have been injured by a distracted driver, contact a Houston personal injury attorney at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD, today to discuss your case. 

Car Wreck Attorneys in Houston

The attorneys at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD have years of experience representing crash victims across the state. It is our goal to provide our clients with the best legal representation available. Our experienced Houston car wreck lawyers are dedicated to defending your rights in personal injury matters, in cases related to defective products, recalled drugs, child injuries, and car crashes.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, contact our offices immediately at 713-840-7200 to see what we can do for you.