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Passengers Are Entitled to Pursue a Personal Injury Claim

There is a lot of talk about how dangerous Texas roadways can be, but not enough attention is given to the legal rights of a passenger following a car accident in Houston TX. It is certainly a terrifying experience to be involved in a vehicle collision, whether you are the driver or just a passenger. This is particularly true when you suffer injuries. Passengers are often ignored as the driver tries to deal with the insurance company and determine if there is an avenue for compensation. 

When the person driving the car is a friend, family member, or loved one, these situations can become extremely complex. If you were injured and the driver of the car you were traveling is at fault, what should you do next? 

We are going to more closely examine car wrecks from the perspective of the passenger. As a passenger, you have rights after a Houston car accident. The Houston car crash lawyers at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD  have years of experience handling these kinds of cases and can help answer any questions you may have after being injured as a passenger. We want to ensure that your rights are protected and your case is treated fairly. 

Understanding Your Legal Rights as a Passenger

If you are a passenger involved in a car accident, you will likely want to seek legal action against the liable party. If you were injured and need medical help, you may be entitled to compensation. There are a few factors you need to consider when pursuing a personal injury claim, such as who is at fault for the crash. A passenger may be able to file a claim against the following parties after an auto accident: 

  • The driver of the other vehicle
  • The person driving the vehicle you were traveling in
  • The city or another government agency responsible for any preventable issue that contributed to your accident
  • The manufacturer of the vehicle or faulty vehicle components
  • The owner of the vehicle
  • The auto repair shop where the at-fault vehicle was serviced
  • The employer of the negligent driver
Your Rights as a Passenger After a Houston Car Accident

In most cases, it is much easier to file a lawsuit as a passenger due to the fact that the plaintiff is not required to prove liability. When filing a claim against a friend or family member, you don’t want to ruin your relationship. Regardless, if you were injured and incur rising medical bills due to the negligence of another person, we believe the at-fault party should be held accountable. When you take legal action against the driver, you are filing a claim with their insurance provider, not the driver directly. 

A trusted personal injury lawyer in Houston can help protect your right to compensation after being unfairly injured by a negligent driver. 

Car Crash Attorneys in Houston

If you or a family member has been injured in a car accident in Houston, you may be entitled to compensation for your loss. West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD, has over 14 years of combined experience in personal injury law, and our top attorneys in Houston represent those who have been injured due to a personal injury or car accident. Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD, and Nader Rabie, JD understand that you need someone to fight for your rights and make sure they are protected. 

If you have been harmed in a Houston injury accident, contact our offices today at 713-840-7200 to discuss your case.