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In Texas, motorcycle crashes happen every day. Despite what many may believe, the majority of motorcycle accidents are caused by the drivers of other vehicles. Motorcyclists can be difficult to see, and many of these collisions are the result of drivers just not noticing that they were next to a motorcycle. 

Houston is a particularly dangerous place for motorcyclists and leads the state in fatal motorcycle collisions, according to data from the Texas Department of Transportation

What Causes Houston Motorcycle Accidents?

Motorcycle crashes in Houston often involve the following scenarios: 

  • Lane-change collisions
  • Failure to yield the right-of-way
  • Turning in front of the motorcycle

The majority of these accidents are due to the driver of another vehicle failing to see the motorcycle in time to avoid a crash. During the evening, this visibility problem only gets worse. 

Safety experts advise motorcyclists to use additional lighting on their bikes and to wear brightly colored clothing while riding. However, even these precautions cannot completely prevent a catastrophic motorcycle crash

The settlement amount in a Houston motorcycle injury case will depend on the following three factors: 

  • Liability
  • Damages
  • Available insurance

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, you need to reach out to an experienced Houston motorcycle crash attorney at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD to see if you are entitled to lost compensation for your injuries and other damages. 

Liability for a Houston Motorcycle Accident

Texas utilizes a system of comparative negligence, meaning that liability for a crash is determined by fault. The more a person or entity contributed to the accident, the higher their liability for any resulting damages. If liability is fairly straightforward, this can be disregarded when determining the value of your motorcycle injury settlement. 

Damages in a Motorcycle Injury Case

What Is the Typical Settlement for a Motorcycle Injury Case in Houston?

Generally, motorcycle crashes tend to end in more serious injuries due to the limited protection provided to riders. The severity of the injuries resulting from the accident will impact the value of your damages.

The best evidence of the extent of your injuries will be your medical records and the testimony of the physicians who provided treatment. Future medical treatment and expenses are also considered during the settlement process. Essentially, if the accident will require you to undergo future medical care, those future treatments should also be considered in the settlement. If the rider suffers permanent or incapacitating injuries, the related damages can be colossal. Damages related to human loss will likely be considerably greater than just the cost of the associated medical bills. 

Available Insurance

In more severe motorcycle accidents, available damages may be limited by the coverage provided by the insurance policy. Texas drivers are required to carry a minimum of $30,000 in coverage, but many drivers fail to carry this minimum. Even the most catastrophic injuries and damages can be reduced when there is not adequate coverage.

The best way to determine the value of any personal injury case related to a motorcycle crash is to consult with a Houston motorcycle accident lawyer

Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in Houston TX

If someone injures you or a loved one in a motorcycle crash, you need to get in touch with a personal injury attorney in Houston TX right away. The lawyers at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD are here to fight for the justice you deserve.

Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD and Nader Rabie, JD are aware of how devastating motorcycle accidents can be, and we want to ensure that you and your loved ones are able to make a full recovery. Our legal team has over 14 years of experience fighting for the rights of Houstonians who have been unfairly injured in motorcycle crashes, and we are here to help you obtain maximum compensation. 

If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident, contact West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD today at (713) 840-7200 to discuss your case.