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Every single individual in the United States will, statistically speaking, be involved in an automobile accident at least once during their lifetime. It doesn’t matter if it’s a little rear-end collision or a major five-vehicle pileup; being involved in a vehicle collision is a terrible and upsetting event. Despite this, there are a few actions you must do immediately following a crash if you want to ensure that your personal injury claim is protected. One critical step that many fail to think about is quickly obtaining medical assistance after an accident.

At West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD, our Houston personal injury attorneys know the common mistakes made during the personal injury claim, and we want to make sure that you don’t encounter the same obstacles that many other accident victims face. 

The following are the primary reasons that you should seek medical attention after being involved in an automobile accident in Houston, regardless of how mild your injuries seem to be at the time. 

Delayed Symptoms of Injury

Some vehicle accident injuries are not readily apparent to the casual observer when the collision takes place. In reality, following a crash, accident victims often experience an adrenaline surge that makes the intensity of their injuries seem less extreme. The signs of whiplash might be mistaken for a cervical spine injury by the untrained eye, which is quite common. A physician who has received specialized training can examine your injuries, prescribe required care decisions, and even arrange any required surgical procedures. Receiving medical assistance as soon as possible will help you heal more quickly and save money on medical bills in the long run.

Securing Evidence

Why It's Important to See a Doctor After a Motor Vehicle Accident

Before negotiating a settlement or heading into the courtroom, you should make a thorough record of all of your injury-related expenditures and obligations. If you don’t, you may obtain compensation that does not take into consideration your current and future requirements. In addition, seeing your physician and other essential medical specialists may supply you with paperwork that will allow for the recovery of both economic and non-economic losses.

It is possible that the following items will be critical to your case:

  • Your medical history
  • Bills related to medical treatment
  • Detailed lists of the therapies and drugs that you have been prescribed
  • Observations and notes regarding the physicians, chiropractors, and therapists you encountered.

After a crash, it is recommended that you contact an auto accident attorney in Houston to get to work immediately on your personal injury claim

The Insurer Will Contest Liability

While it is important for your well-being to receive medical assistance as soon as possible following an injury, life and personal situations may occasionally prevent you from doing so right away. Still, you must see a medical specialist within seven days to ensure that your claim against the at-fault party’s insurance company is protected from denial. If not, the competing insurer may assert that your injuries and related damages are not serious enough to merit reimbursement on your behalf.

West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD Can Help You Obtain Compensation

If you or a loved one has been harmed as a result of the conduct of a negligent motorist, call the Houston auto accident attorneys at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD for assistance. Our legal team has the knowledge, skills, and legal expertise necessary to successfully handle each and every area of your claim. To defend your right to a favorable settlement or judgment, we can communicate with the insurers and, if necessary, file a lawsuit on your account in court to enforce your rights. We speak for the interests of average people, not the demands of large corporations. When a major accident occurs, we can assist you in holding a negligent individual or entity responsible for their actions.

If you or a loved one has been wrongfully wounded as a result of another’s carelessness, call West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD now at (713) 840-7200 to schedule a consultation to discuss your situation.