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Burn injuries are more frequent than most people realize. Depending on their severity, there are many distinct types and degrees of burn, from a mild sunburn to a catastrophic third-degree burn. 

According to the American Burn Association, burn injuries are the leading cause of unintentional death in the United States, contributing to 3,390 civilian deaths in 2016. Over 486,000 burn or fire injuries were treated at emergency rooms nationwide from 2011 to 2015, and children are some of the most susceptible to serious burn injuries. 

Burn victims may be able to recover lost compensation with the help of a burn injury lawyer in Houston at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD. 

What Are the Different Types of Burn Injuries? 

There are an array of different types of burns that stem from various factors, and each comes with its own unique risks:  

  • Friction Burns. These kinds of burns are prone to happen after a bike or motorcycle crash. They are caused by abrasion and heat burn, which occurs when a hard item scrapes away a layer of skin. Carpet burn is often included as part of this category. 
  • Radiation Burns. In most cases, these burns are caused by radiation sources such as X-rays or other forms of radiation treatment, but the sun is responsible for the majority of radiation burns.
  • Thermal burns. Hot objects such as hot plates, boiling liquids, and fires can cause this type of burn, which occurs when the skin makes contact. Thermal burns can also be caused by extremely hot steam. 
  • Chemical burns. Some people operate in industries where acids, solvents, and other chemicals may be present, such as the pharmaceutical industry. Individuals who are exposed to these chemicals may suffer severe burns as a result of the exposure.
  • Electrical burns. The shock that occurs when a person comes into touch with a faulty electrical outlet or exposed wires might result in an electrical burn.

Handling a burn injury case can be complex and it is advised that victims get in touch with a Houston personal injury attorney as soon as possible. 

The Degrees of Burn Injuries

Guide to the Types and Severities of Burn Injuries

First and third-degree burns are the most commonly diagnosed, while fourth-degree burns are exceedingly rare. These degrees of burns are defined by the intensity of the burn and the related symptoms.

First-degree burns cause significant redness and discomfort to the outer layer of the skin, as well as some swelling. Second-degree burns can affect both the surface layer of skin and the layer beneath it, resulting in intensely red and swollen skin. There may also be visible blisters

Third-degree burns are referred to as full-thickness burns that can cause significant damage to both layers of skin as well as to the nerve endings in the affected area. Fourth-degree burns are potentially life-threatening because they destroy all skin layers and may even damage the bones, tendons, and muscles as well as other organs.

Our Houston burn injury attorneys at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD are committed to assisting burn damage victims in their efforts to pursue legal action for their injuries. When someone else’s carelessness causes a serious burn, you have a right to compensation, and we are here to help you recover. 

Burn Injury Attorney in Houston

Burn injuries are extremely prevalent, and they frequently result in victims experiencing excruciating physical and mental pain. Depending on the severity of the burn, it may be necessary to perform numerous invasive operations. 

It is critical that burn victims in Houston understand their legal rights and be prepared to defend them. You should consult an experienced lawyer at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD if you have sustained a burn injury as a result of someone else’s careless conduct. Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD and Nader Rabie, JD can help you obtain due compensation after being unfairly injured at the hands of a negligent party. 

If you have unfairly suffered a serious burn injury, call West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD today at (713) 840-7200.