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You should be aware that if you are injured in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, you will have to deal with two insurance companies. Both the insurance company of the individual who caused the accident and your own insurance company will be involved.

When it comes to your personal insurance provider, it’s essential to phone them as quickly as possible and notify them that you’ve been in a car accident. Provide them with all relevant facts, such as the accident’s location, road conditions, the date and time of the accident, and a list of the persons involved. You are not required to divulge any of your injuries. In fact, you should wait to do so after you have spoken with a competent personal injury lawyer. You should also wait until you’ve met with an attorney before giving them your explanation for why and how the accident occurred.

At West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD, we know all the tricks commonly used by insurance companies and their adjusters. An experienced Houston auto accident attorney can help you avoid these and other pitfalls in the pursuit of a personal injury claim. 

Never Talk with the Insurance Provider of the Other Driver

When it comes to communicating with the other driver’s insurance company, it’s important to remember that you’re never obligated to do so — under any circumstances. In most situations, you should avoid contacting them at all. You should always check with your attorney before signing anything they offer you.

It’s because of their deceptive techniques that you should never reveal anything to an insurance adjuster. And, given that the insurance adjuster’s goal is to keep compensation as low as possible, it’s easy to see why you might be wary of their motives. Here are some of the most frequent ways insurance adjusters try to attract your attention and restrict their payment.

They Will Get In Touch Right Away 

Adjusters often turn up right away, before you’ve had a chance to meet a lawyer, in order to reduce the value of your claim. In most situations, the insurance adjuster’s claims handbook directed them to engage you as soon as possible and in a pleasant manner, before you could hire an attorney or even grasp the severity of your injuries. They will be pleasant and persuade you that you do not require the services of an attorney.

The adjuster will treat you as if you were their best friend and promise you a large sum of money. However, you should be aware that their main purpose is to encourage you not to file a claim against their client, the at-fault driver. 

That should be a red flag. If their primary goal is to restrict your payment and they’re pleading with you to accept the offer right now, your case has to be strong. What they chose not to tell you is that after you sign their claims paperwork and are cut a check, your case is over. That means you will not be able to file a new claim if your injuries turn out to be more serious than you initially thought. 

They Will Make Every Effort to Get You on Record

How Speaking with the Insurance Adjuster Can Hurt Your Case

Insurance adjusters are constantly attempting to obtain a recorded statement and have you sign paperwork that you may or may not fully comprehend. However, you need to be aware that any communication you have with adjusters from the other driver’s insurance provider might jeopardize your claim, particularly if you give a recorded statement. Insurance adjusters have a habit of asking loaded questions to portray their client in the best possible light. Take into account that, while you may have never provided a recorded statement, a skilled insurance adjuster is sure to have taken hundreds.

Insurance Companies Do Not Want You to Hire a Houston Personal Injury Lawyer

According to statistics, accident victims who hire an attorney receive at least two times and up to five times more compensation than those who represent themselves. As a result, it’s obvious that the ultimate objective of the adjuster is to make you feel comfortable enough that you won’t require the services of an attorney. 

Insurance carriers know that if you don’t retain a competent Houston car accident attorney, they could pay you considerably less money. That’s why they get in touch with you so quickly. They want you to accept a settlement and relinquish your right to sue before you’ve even spoken to a lawyer or learned what your rights are following a serious accident. 

Houston Car Crash Attorneys

You need a Houston car crash lawyer at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD if you or a loved one has been harmed by a reckless driver. Our legal team has the necessary knowledge, skills, and legal expertise to handle every aspect of your claim effectively. We can talk with the insurance companies on your behalf to protect your right to a fair settlement or judgment, and if necessary, we can file a case in court on your behalf. We represent regular people’s interests, not the demands of large corporations. 

Following a tragic disaster, Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD and Nader Rabie, JD can assist you in holding a negligent individual or corporation responsible for their actions. 

If you or a loved one has been unfairly harmed in a serious accident, call West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD today at (713) 840-7200 to schedule a no-obligation consultation and discuss your case.