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Accidents involving commercial vehicles can harm victims’ physical health, mental well-being, and financial situation in irreversible ways. According to the National Safety Council, fatal trucking crashes are on the rise, increasing nearly 43% since 2010. Commercial truck accident settlements can assist victims and their families heal following a semi-truck accident, even if the path to recovery is long. While no amount of money will compensate for all of the losses that victims may suffer, it can go a long way toward assisting them in moving on.

However, obtaining compensation in a commercial vehicle accident can be a difficult task. Trucking firms are frequently backed by substantial financial resources and corporate insurers with extensive expertise investigating commercial vehicle accidents. Fighting these lawyers may be intimidating, which is why many victims hire their own legal counsel to assist them with the settlement process. The new Texas law established under House Bill 19 (HB19) has created new obstacles in the pursuit of compensation for victims of commercial vehicle accidents. 

With over 14 years of combined experience, the Houston trucking accident lawyers at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD can help victims of serious 18-wheeler accidents more confidently seek compensation. 

Trucking Accidents Can Have Catastrophic Effects

It’s critical for victims to recognize the true value of their case early on after a semi-truck accident. In most cases, settlements for commercial vehicle accidents are significantly greater than those for typical automobile accidents. This is due to the fact that commercial vehicles, such as 18-wheelers and other large trucks, are much heavier than passenger cars. This means that the damage they can inflict is considerably greater.

The more extensive the damages, the greater the compensation might be. Compensation payments can be high in extremely catastrophic accidents, such as those involving disability or wrongful death. You should consider hiring an experienced personal injury attorney in Houston to maximize your compensation, regardless of how much you feel your case is worth.

What Factors Impact Commercial Truck Accident Settlements?

Assessing damages, in addition to establishing liability, is an important part of seeking a semi-truck accident claim. The amount of a victim’s settlement is determined by a number of variables, such as:

  • Liability. Cases involving carelessness and several parties are likely to result in larger settlements. Settlements for victims who are somewhat to blame for their accidents are likely to be smaller.
  • Injuries. The degree of a victim’s injuries is assessed while calculating a settlement value. Medical costs, lost earnings, temporary or permanent disability, loss of life, and pain and suffering are all examples of injury-related damages. The larger the compensation, the more severe and life-altering the damage is. Whiplash, fractured bones, lacerations, and bruises are examples of less serious injuries. Traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries resulting in full or partial paralysis, limb loss, or even death are examples of more serious injuries.
  • Property Damage. When calculating compensation amounts, vehicle and other property damage will be considered.
  • Punitive Damages. Punitive damages may be applied to situations of obvious, willful, or severe carelessness to punish the defendant and set an example for others.

When calculating a settlement amount, all of the damages stated above are taken into account. A commercial vehicle accident investigation will be conducted as part of this finding. Because the trucking business or its insurance will very certainly conduct their own investigation team, victims need to have someone on their side. An accomplished semi-truck lawyer in Houston TX can help you when pursuing a settlement. 

Victims should gather as much evidence as possible to back up their claims, such as photographs, videos, medical records, witness statements, and expert opinions from physicians or therapists. Many victims discover that having an attorney on their side makes the compensation process more efficient. It can also help avoid unnecessary stress when dealing with serious injuries resulting from a commercial vehicle accident. 

Important Factors in a Commercial Truck Accident Settlement

Texas Truck Accident Lawyers

Accidents involving large commercial trucks are among the most devastating on Texas roadways. Contact a Texas truck accident attorney at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD if you or a loved one has been badly injured or died in an accident.

Our lawyers have experience with a variety of personal injury claims. Medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering are all possible damages after a serious 18-wheeler accident. If you were injured by a reckless trucker, you may be eligible for reimbursement. Our firm has the skills and expertise necessary to advocate for the highest possible settlement for your claim.

Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD, and Nader Rabie, JD have years of combined experience working for the rights of Houston injury victims, and we are here to fight for you.

Contact West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD today at (713) 840-7200 if you or a loved one has been unfairly injured by the negligence of a truck driver or transportation company.