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If you’ve been hurt in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, you’re probably wondering what to do next and whether or not you’re entitled to financial compensation for your growing medical bills. Being overwhelmed by the situation is typical for victims of serious car crashes in Houston. 

The team of Texas auto accident attorneys at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD is here to help you understand your legal options to obtain maximum compensation for your injuries. 

Can I Sue Following a Car Crash? 

Under Texas law, you have the right to sue the responsible party for damages such as: 

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering

Every motorist has a “duty of care” to drive safely and attentively. If they fail to live up to this duty and cause harm to someone else, they may be held accountable for their negligent actions. A driver, the driver’s employer, or a third party whose conduct led to the accident may all be held accountable for the harm they’ve caused.

A civil action for a car accident must be filed within two years of the time of the accident. The sooner you contact a lawyer, the sooner they can start gathering evidence and putting your case together. 

What Can I Expect For My Financial Recovery?

The amount of compensation you receive will be determined by the severity of your injuries and the financial and emotional toll they have had on you. A more serious injury, such as one that impairs your earning capacity and demands long-term care, will involve a higher settlement amount. Your attorney will help you come up with an estimate that accounts for both your monetary losses and your non-monetary losses, such as your pain and suffering. Your Houston car crash lawyer can help you pursue the full value of your claim. 

What Is Required to File a Lawsuit in Houston? 

After an accident, you have a limited amount of time to gather evidence and establish your claim. These are the steps you can do right now to bolster your personal injury claim if you are involved in a car accident:

Seek Medical Treatment

Even if you’re doubtful of the extent of your injuries, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. By doing this, you’ll have documentation of your injury, which will be critical if you decide to pursue compensation. These documents will prove that the accident was the source of your injury and that it was severe enough for you to need medical attention. After an accident, if you do not go to the doctor, the other party’s insurer may claim that you were not seriously hurt or that your injury was not the consequence of the automobile accident.

Contact a Personal Injury Attorney

The sooner you contact a personal injury lawyer, the sooner they can begin obtaining time-sensitive evidence. Your attorney will go to the accident site, check police reports, consult with witnesses, and even reconstruct the accident if required to get an in-depth understanding of the case and who is responsible. 

Let Your Lawyer Talk to the Insurer

The insurance provider of the at-fault party may try to downplay or dismiss your claim by disputing the circumstances of your accident. They may also give you a settlement that is less than what you truly deserve. They may call you and ask you seemingly harmless questions on record in order to collect statements from you that they may later use to try to discredit your charges. 

Do I Need to File an Auto Accident Lawsuit?

Personal Injury Lawyers in Houston

Qualified personal injury lawyers will know the strategies commonly used by insurance companies to avoid liability and deny claims. Even if you’ve already reported the accident to your insurance carrier, having an attorney at your side to guide you through future interactions will safeguard your case and give you confidence in your claim. 

West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD can investigate your accident and help you collect evidence to show the degree of your injuries. In order to secure the highest possible settlement award, your Houston car accident attorney will handle meetings with claims adjusters and help you with every step of your lawsuit. 

Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD and Nader Rabie, JD can help you maximize your compensation after a serious accident. 

Call West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD today at (713) 840-7200 to book a free, no-obligation consultation if you or a loved one has been unfairly injured in a car crash.