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We never expect to be involved in a crash that permanently impacts our lives. However, many Texans find themselves the victims of serious auto accidents. Vehicle collisions,  construction site accidents, and slip-and-falls are among the most common examples of situations that result in serious bodily harm. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, 14,656 persons were seriously injured in car accidents in the state of Texas in 2020.

If you were injured in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, you may be able to recover damages to cover medical bills and other expenses. You could obtain compensation for the pain and suffering you experienced as a result of the event. But, what constitutes a serious bodily injury? What kind of compensation can you expect from the at-fault party? 

These are common questions heard by the Houston personal injury attorneys at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD. Our goal is to help those unfairly injured in serious accidents make a complete recovery after suffering a serious bodily injury.

What Is the Meaning of “Serious Bodily Injury?”

Any injury that carries a significant risk of death, unconsciousness, intense physical pain, protracted and evident disfigurement, or extended loss or impairment of the function of a bodily member, organ, or mental faculty is considered to be serious bodily injury according to the Legal Information Institute.

This may apply to a variety of accidents and injuries. However, in a serious bodily injury case, the crucial element is that the injury does not heal in a matter of days or weeks and is either permanent or requires long-term rehabilitation.

What Are the Most Common Serious Bodily Injuries?

The following are some of the most common categories of serious bodily injuries:

  • Injuries to the back and neck that result in persistent discomfort and/or a loss of movement
  • Complete or partial paralysis and/or nerve damage due to spinal injury
  • Burns and cuts
  • Disfigurement 
  • Scarring
  • Severely broken bones
  • Internal organ damage 
  • Amputation 
  • Permanent cognitive or motor impairments caused by traumatic brain injury

Serious injuries do not always manifest themselves right away. It’s possible that you won’t know what kind of injury you have experienced or how it will affect your life for days, weeks, or even months after the accident. Still,  for a variety of reasons, it’s preferable not to put off medical examination. 

First and foremost, it is in your best interests to get expert help as soon as possible. Second, scheduling diagnostic testing and appointments with doctors who can provide you with answers concerning your health can take time. The longer you wait, the more likely the two-year statute of limitations on personal injury cases will expire. Third, keeping a record of your injuries might help you enhance your case and potentially raise the amount of money you receive.

What Damages Are Recoverable?

Catastrophic injuries may demand extensive, long-term medical care. Prescriptions, physical therapy, tests, surgery, medical technology, accessibility modifications, and other expenses add up quickly. However, you do not have to suffer financially as a result of another person’s carelessness or neglect. You can seek compensation for your injuries and the impact it has had on your life by making a claim against the responsible party.

Medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, and loss of quality of life are all damages that can be granted in serious bodily injury lawsuits. However, because of the life-altering nature of such an injury, you may be eligible for financial compensation for projected expenses such as long-term medical care, medical support services, and lost earning capacity. An expert personal injury lawyer in Houston can assist you in determining an acceptable amount to compensate you for both economic and non-economic losses.

Auto Accident Attorneys in Houston 

What Does the Term "Serious Bodily Injury" Mean?Death Claims

Your Houston auto accident lawyer can help you with the complicated personal injury claim paperwork, the time-consuming legal processes, and fighting for your rights to get the money you deserve if your claim gets to court.

West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD can investigate your accident and help you obtain evidence to show the degree of your injuries. In order to get the greatest possible settlement award, your lawyer will arrange meetings with claims adjusters and support you at every stage of your case.

Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD and Nader Rabie, JD  are here to help you make a complete recovery following a serious accident. 

Call West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD today at (713) 840-7200 to book a free, no-obligation consultation if you or a loved one has been unfairly injured in a car crash.