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If you have been hurt in a vehicle accident caused by someone else’s negligence, it is understandable that you would want to seek compensation. However, as a plaintiff, you bear the burden of proof in a car accident lawsuit.

What does the burden of proof mean, anyway? Well, it means that must show that each element of negligence was present beyond a reasonable doubt. To put it simply, you have to prove that the at-fault person owed you a duty at the time of the accident and that their negligence, not some underlying condition, caused your injury. 

There is important evidence needed to establish who is at fault for an accident. The auto accident lawyers in Houston at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD can help you collect evidence to build up your case and secure your deserved compensation. 

Pictures and Video

The most significant forms of evidence for automobile accident claims are photographs and videos of the accident scene. Whether you utilize photographs or videos, this sort of evidence can help you build a clear picture of the crash’s different elements, such as:

  • How a car crash took place
  • Who was responsible
  • Vehicles involved
  • The roadway conditions at the time of the accident
  • Where vehicles came to rest 

That is why our lawyers recommend that you capture as many photographs as possible as soon as possible following the accident.

Medical Records and Receipts

In an automobile accident case, medical records are crucial evidence. Whether or not you have obvious injuries, you must seek medical treatment as soon as possible following any car accident. Make sure you keep track of everything from your doctor’s appointments to your prescriptions. Important information in your medical record can include:

  • Information about the doctor
  • What treatment you received
  • What you paid for your treatment. 

Witness Statements

In any car crash case, witness testimonies are some of the most trustworthy forms of evidence. These, like pictures, aid in determining who was is liable for the accident. That is why you should get the names and contact information of any witnesses at the scene if it is safe to do so. 

Witnesses, whether passengers or other drivers who witnessed the collision, can offer important facts regarding what happened before and after the accident. This information gives insight into how the other driver contributed to the crash. Your Houston auto accident attorney may also be able to obtain expert witnesses to testify in some situations. These individuals are frequently involved in accident reconstruction and demonstrating the validity of your damage claim.

Accident Reports

One of the first things you should do after a vehicle accident is call the police. Even if they don’t come to the scene, Texas law compels you to report any traffic accident. This is particularly true if there are injuries or property damage. You must get a police report whether you report the problem yourself or the police arrive at the accident scene.

A police report may not be admissible in court due to hearsay laws. However, it might be useful during settlement talks. It also provides crucial information on witnesses and the officer’s judgments about traffic offenses, the speeds of the involved vehicles, and roadway conditions. All of these can assist you in proving your case. 

Available Surveillance Footage

External video recording equipment, like traffic cameras, can be found in nearby office buildings, gas stations, and retail businesses. Knowing the exact location of the collision that resulted in your injuries might assist you in obtaining security footage to establish that the other party is at fault. Remember that this sort of evidence must be collected lawfully. This is best done with the assistance of a professional Houston automobile accident lawyer.

Crash Debris

Studying the remains of a vehicle might help you figure out things like the speed of the oncoming vehicle(s) and the direction from which your vehicle was hit. Other debris, such as shredded tires and brake lines, might assist in determining whether the manufacturer is at fault. Secure any wreckage and debris after a crash. Then, you need to work with a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer in Texas to evaluate the evidence.

Car Accident Lawyers in Houston

Types of Evidence in an Auto Accident Claim

There are many obstacles that may arise during a car accident claim. That is why you need a trusted attorney on your side. If your case goes to court, a Houston car crash lawyer can assist you with the difficult personal injury claim paperwork, time-consuming legal processes, and the fight to obtain the money you deserve.

West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD can conduct an investigation into your accident and assist you in obtaining evidence to demonstrate the extent of your injuries. Your lawyer will set up appointments with claims adjusters and assist you at every level of your case in order to obtain the highest potential settlement amount, including gathering evidence to show that the other driver is responsible. 

Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD and Nader Rabie, JD are here to help you make a complete recovery after a severe car accident.

Contact West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD immediately at (713) 840-7200 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation if you or a loved one has been unfairly injured in a traffic accident.