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In 2017, the Texas Department of Public Safety conducted an inspection of more than 8,000 commercial vehicles. This resulted in nearly 2,000 of them being put out of service because of a variety of offenses. This is a sobering reminder of the risks that semis and tractor-trailers pose on Texas highways. Many trucking accidents are often the result of incompetence or flagrant disrespect for safety standards on part of the truck driver or the firms that own these massive rigs.

During this sweep, the Texas Department of Public Safety evaluated 8,182 commercial vehicles and suspended service of 1,938 of these trucks. That is nearly 23.6% of operating trucks in the state that year. Brake problems and faulty car lighting were two of the most common offenses that resulted in these vehicles being taken off the road.

Many Houstonians are put on high alert when traveling near an 18-wheeler. The semi-truck crash lawyers in Houston at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD are all too familiar with how devastating crashes involving these massive vehicles can be, and we are here to help you make a recovery after being injured by the negligent of a trucker or trucking company. 

Over 200 Truckers Have Been Cited for Violations

Not only were a number of commercial trucks removed from the road during this sweep, but a total of 225 drivers were put out of service for driver’s license infractions, inaccurate logs, and hours-of-service offenses. During the 72-hour inspection, the Texas Department of Public Safety issued 22,346 warnings.

These statistics are considerably worse than the previous year when roughly 22.5% of tested commercial vehicles were taken out of service during the annual inspection. 

Hold a Negligent Trucking Company Liable

It is no real surprise that serious accidents involving huge trucks and buses have consistently grown when nearly one-quarter of commercial vehicles on Texas roadways have infractions serious enough to require them to be taken off the road.  It’s a grim reality in Texas and around the country.

Total injury crashes involving heavy trucks or buses declined by 33% from 2005 to 2009, according to data from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. This figure subsequently surged by 62% from 2009 to 2015. Truck drivers face greater pressure from employers to log more miles in a shorter amount of time, even if it means exceeding federal safety laws, according to business writers and individuals who watch the commercial trucking industry.

When truck accidents happen, company officials typically rush to gather information and have been known to conceal evidence that could lead to culpability. They may also try to persuade wounded parties to accept a speedy settlement before further damaging information is disclosed.

That is why you need the help of a trusted Houston truck accident lawyer to make sure your rights are secured when going up against a large trucking company. 

Truck Accident Lawyers in Houston

Large Number of Truckers on Texas Highway Are in Violation of Safety Regulations

Before dealing with insurance company officials or someone from the trucking company, it is vital to retain the services of expert Houston personal injury lawyers like those at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD. In order to hold those at fault accountable and maximize the amount recovered, a thorough and lengthy investigation into all of the facts surrounding an accident involving a commercial vehicle is required.

Our attorneys have handled a wide range of personal injury cases. After a major 18-wheeler collision, medical costs, lost earnings, and pain and suffering are all possible losses. You may be entitled to compensation if you were hurt by a careless truck driver. Our firm has the knowledge and experience to help you obtain the best possible settlement for your claim.

Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD, and Nader Rabie, JD have years of combined experience working for the rights of Houston injury victims, and we are here to fight for you.

Contact West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD today at (713) 840-7200 if you or a loved one has been unfairly injured by the negligence of a truck driver or transportation company.