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According to Uber’s 2019 survey report, there were 97 fatal collisions and 107 individuals killed in Uber-related crashes between 2017 and 2018. There are a record number of ride-sharing cabs on the streets of Texas. This is because more people are using Uber as a source of side income. It is no wonder that Uber drivers are involved in a rising number of accidents.

Luckily, Texas law protects those who have been hurt in a car accident. If you or a loved one has been injured in an Uber accident, there are measures you may take to recover the costs of medical bills and other costs incurred as a result of your injury. 

You need to speak with a qualified Texas automobile accident attorney at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD to learn more about your legal options after an uber or rideshare accident. 

Report the Accident to the Police and Rideshare Company

Even if police records are not admissible as evidence in a personal injury case, they are nevertheless important when your Texas automobile accident lawyer is seeking compensation on your behalf.

Call the cops right away if you have been in an accident. Request that an officer be dispatched to the scene. They will document the collision and record important facts whenever they arrive. Key information such as witness names, car information, traffic, and weather conditions are easy to forget after the fact. Your Houston car accident lawyer can use the accident report to conduct their own investigation if you decide to sue the at-fault party.

Additionally, contact the Uber company to report your accident. In these types of cases, Uber has up to $1 million in insurance coverage. Their insurance company will make it difficult for you to obtain any compensation if you do not file a formal complaint.

Document the Accident

It may be difficult to document the crash after being involved in an accident. However, snapping some quick pictures of the Uber, your vehicle, and any close witnesses will assist your lawyer in building a strong case.

Take photos of the accident site from various perspectives. Remember to document your injuries as well as the damage to your vehicle. Talk to other passengers, drivers, and witnesses on the road if you can. Be sure to make a list of their contact information. All of this material can be used by your Houston personal injury attorney to perform a complete investigation.

Obtain Medical Treatment

Victims of car accidents do not always feel pain. This is particularly true of those suffering from internal injuries. Do not put off seeing a doctor or going to the emergency room because you are not currently experiencing much pain or suffering. Whiplash and other comparable internal injuries often do not show symptoms for some time following a crash. 

Do Not Accept a Lowball Offer from the Rideshare Company

When you report an accident to Uber or the Uber driver’s insurance company, their separate insurance companies will do everything possible to lessen the value of your claim. Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD, and Nader Rabie, JD, have handled talks with some of the country’s most prestigious insurance firms. We know how to defend our clients and keep their personal injury claims from being undervalued by insurance companies.

Texas Uber Accident Attorneys

Steps to Take Following an Uber or Rideshare Accident

A qualified Houston Uber accident attorney can aid you in making a full recovery after being hurt in a ridesharing accident. These businesses will do everything they can to avoid taking responsibility. That is why you require someone to be by your side and watch out for your best interests. West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD have dedicated their careers to holding people and businesses accountable for carelessness, recklessness, and wrongdoing that has resulted in catastrophic and life-changing injuries.

Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD and Nader Rabie, JD have experience handling cases involving rideshare accidents and can fight for your full compensation.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a rideshare accident, contact West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD immediately at (713) 840-7200 to see what we can do for you.