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Ridesharing services are convenient and inexpensive. However, they can also raise concerns about liability in the case of a crash. Ridesharing has sparked a lot of debate in recent years. The risk of being involved in a collision while riding in an Uber has become a hot topic, and many people are unaware of their rights. 

Is a ridesharing accident the fault of Uber or the driver? The driver could be liable, but it all depends on the circumstances of the accident. Uber does not provide critical coverage in the event of an accident, and this can bring unique complications when seeking a personal injury claim. 

A qualified personal injury lawyer in Houston can help you obtain compensation after being injured in an Uber accident. 

Insurance Coverage and Uber Drivers

Uber is not required to carry insurance and cannot be held liable in the event of an accident. Almost all Uber drivers must purchase their own liability insurance to protect themselves, their passengers, and others who may be injured as a result of the driver’s negligence. This coverage typically costs the driver around $1,000 per year. 

When the driver’s app is turned off, they are covered by their own auto insurance. Because ridesharing is still a developing industry, there are no clear-cut or consistent rules. Any accidents can be the fault of both Uber and its driver. 

It is also unclear how Uber will respond if any lawsuits are filed. The only clear answer is that Uber is not responsible for paying or covering any expenses incurred as a result of injuries or damages sustained during an Uber ride.

Protect Your Rights After a Rideshare Accident

When you are involved in a rideshare accident, it is more important than ever to protect your rights. Ethical treatment by rideshare companies, major insurance companies, and adjusters can mean the difference between being compensated and having to pay for your own repairs. It is critical to be represented by an attorney who has a track record of treating clients with integrity, honesty, and fairness, as well as a track record of being knowledgeable about rideshare collisions.

Some simple safety precautions you can take in the event of a rideshare accident include:

  • Dialing 911
  • Documenting the accident
  • Obtaining insurance information from all parties involved in the accident
  • Getting the policy numbers of the involved parties
  • Having all parties sign a mutual release of liability
  • Taking pictures of all the cars and the damage
  • Filing a police report immediately after the crash. 

When a Rideshare Driver Causes a Crash, What Are They Liable For?

Protect Your Rights After a Rideshare Accident

A driver must keep control of his or her vehicle at all times. They are responsible for basic repairs for any damage caused by their vehicle. In the event of an accident, you are responsible for basic repairs in addition to liability insurance unless you have comprehensive insurance. To drive an Uber, drivers do not need to be insured, and this has created concerns for Uber drivers in the event of traffic accidents. 

Uber’s lack of insurance requirements can cause liability problems in the event of an auto accident. If your Uber driver injured you, there are a few things to consider when filing a liability claim:

  • The extent of the injury. If someone is hurt, check to see if the injuries are serious enough to require medical attention.
  • The type of accident. Uber drivers have more liability protection in certain types of traffic accidents, including side collisions. 
  • Establishing a strong case. 

If you have been injured in a rideshare accident, contact a Houston car crash lawyer immediately to discuss your legal rights. 

Uber Accident Lawyers in Houston

The Houston rideshare accident attorneys of West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD have spent their lives fighting to hold people and corporations accountable for negligence, recklessness, and misconduct that has resulted in catastrophic and fatal injuries.

Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD and Nader Rabie, JD have experience handling cases involving rideshare accidents and can fight for your full compensation.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a rideshare accident, contact us immediately at (713) 840-7200 to see what we can do for you.