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According to the Association for Safe International Road Travel, approximately 6 million car accidents occur in the United States each year. Almost 72% of these accidents cause property damage, but non-fatal injuries are involved in nearly 27% of reported car crashes, and almost 6% result in fatalities.

Have you recently been in a car accident?  You may be able to recover compensation for your losses by filing a lawsuit. You will need to gather evidence to build a car accident case.

There are some important documents you should provide your Houston personal injury lawyer when preparing your car accident lawsuit. You can strengthen your case by gathering these documents, and your lawyer can assist you in proving that the other driver was at fault for the accident. After that, you can pursue the compensation you deserve.

The Official Police Report

Move to the side of the road or a nearby safe space as soon as possible after the collision. After that, call the cops. In many states, filing a police report is a legal requirement. Do not leave the scene without first contacting the authorities. Otherwise, you could face a hit-and-run charge.

Police will arrive on the scene to investigate the incident. They will talk to you and any other people who were involved in the accident. They will then write a formal incident or police report ad probably start writing their report on the spot, then finish it once they have left. 

One of the most important documents for lawyers to start building your case is the official police report. It will be required in order to file your personal injury lawsuit. The police report will include the following information:

  • If there were any traffic violations
  • Who was involved in the accident
  • If anyone witnessed the crash
  • An account of what happened

Make sure to get a copy of the police officer’s official report when they arrive on the scene. Obtain their name as well as their badge number. If they haven’t completed the report yet, you can contact them later to request a copy. Based on the police report, your Houston car accident lawyer will begin building your case.

If you are unable to obtain a copy of it, your lawyer will do so on your behalf. Make sure to give your attorney all of the pertinent information about your case. To get a copy of your report, they’ll need the location, date, and names of the drivers.

Related Citations or Tickets

Did someone run a red light? Was one of the drivers was inebriated? Maybe someone was speeding or texting at the time of the crash. These are all potentially dangerous behaviors that could result in a car accident.

Any traffic violations will be noted by the police officer when filing their official report. They will also issue a traffic ticket to the offending driver. This citation can be used to prove to the insurance company that you were not at fault in the car accident.

If anyone received a ticket as a result of the car accident, inform your car accident lawyer. When constructing your case, your lawyer can use the traffic violation as evidence. They will need to check the police report you provided to see if the person in charge received a violation.

Was there a ticket issued to you as a result of the accident? Notify your attorney. They can examine the ticket’s details and determine the best course of action.

Don’t worry. Just because you got a ticket doesn’t mean you’re responsible for the accident. However, it can aid in the development of your case.

Any Medical Reports

Documents You Need to Bring Your Lawyer After a Car Accident

Around 20 to 50 million people are injured in non-fatal car accidents. Many of these injuries have long-term consequences. 

Get checked out by a licensed doctor right away, even if you don’t have visible car accident injuries. Internal injuries, such as internal bleeding, are common among the victims. If you don’t get treatment for an internal bleed, it could become fatal.

An adrenaline rush can sometimes mask your pain. It’s possible that you won’t notice pain symptoms for days or even weeks after the accident.

Regardless of whether or not you are experiencing symptoms, you should see a doctor. If you don’t file a claim as soon as possible, you may find it difficult to link your symptoms to the accident. The lawyer for the other party could argue that you were injured in another way.

Your medical records will be used by your car accident lawyer to show that you were injured as a result of the collision.

Immediately after the accident, schedule an independent medical examination. The doctor will take note of the following:

  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment plan
  • Prescriptions
  • Other medical recommendations

With the help of a qualified attorney, you can make sure that your legal rights are protected after a serious accident. 

Houston Car Crash Lawyers

You should never pursue a personal injury claim without the help of a Houston personal injury lawyer. West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD is here to help you obtain fair compensation after being injured in an accident. We have been fighting for the rights of victims since 2003, and we will make sure you get the maximum settlement. 

Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD and Nader Rabie, JD are here to help you make a complete recovery after a severe car accident.

Contact our law offices immediately at (713) 840-7200 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation if you or a loved one has been unfairly injured by another party.