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Many people appreciate walking, as a form of exercise or even a hobby. However, pedestrians also run the risk of being hit by speeding or inattentive drivers and suffering a variety of serious or fatal injuries in the event of a crash. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, pedestrian deaths account for more than 15% of traffic fatalities, and statistics show that this number is on the rise. A total of 5,977 pedestrians were killed on American roadways in 2017 alone, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The nature of these types of crashes often results in severe injuries, and knowing what kind of injuries are common can help you understand the importance of pedestrian safety. Accident victims should contact a Houston personal injury attorney in order to pursue maximum compensation for their damages. 

These are some of the most common injuries caused by pedestrian crashes. 

Soft Tissue Injuries

When you are hit by a car or truck, you can suffer traumatic soft tissue injury. This is true even when the collision takes place at a relatively low speed. Depending on the vehicle’s height, this type of injury could occur in a variety of lower body areas, including:

  • Legs
  • Pelvis
  • Shins or knees
  • Broken skin, leading to severe bleeding or bruising. 

Head Trauma

When a car hits you at a moderate speed, your head may collide with the car’s hood or windshield, resulting in severe head trauma. Internal bleeding, which can lead to death if left untreated, can occur. Other common injuries related to head trauma include: 

  • Concussions
  • Skull fractures
  • Internal bleeding

As a pedestrian, the weight of a vehicle traveling at almost any speed can cause you to break a bone. This is most likely to occur in the area that makes contact with the vehicle. 

Some car manufacturers are developing designs that could help reduce pedestrian injuries in the event of an accident. However, when walking or driving on the roads, both pedestrians and motorists must be aware of their surroundings.

If you have been injured in a crash, contact a pedestrian accident attorney in Houston right away to discuss your legal options. 

Pedestrian Accident Lawyers in Houston

Common Injuries After a Pedestrian Accident

A lawyer at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD can help protect your legal rights following a pedestrian accident. If you have been injured in a serious crash, we can conduct an investigation into your accident and assist you in gathering evidence to show the extent of your injuries. Your Houston car crash lawyer will set up appointments with claims adjusters and assist you at every level of your case in order to obtain the highest potential settlement amount. 

Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD and Nader Rabie, JD are here to help you make a complete recovery after a severe car accident.

Contact our law offices today at (713) 840-7200 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation if you or a loved one has been unfairly injured in a pedestrian crash.