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When you are injured in a Houston car crash, the at-fault driver can be liable for your injuries and other damages associated with the accident. When a driver causes an accident, that driver is usually found to be negligent. As a Houston car accident victim, you are entitled to compensation for your losses, meaning that you should be able to recover and be made whole again. You are entitled to many types of compensation depending on the factors of your individual case. It is advised that you consult with a qualified Houston personal injury attorney at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD to discuss the circumstances of your case and how to pursue a claim for compensation. 

Economic Losses

Economic damages in an accident are losses with an exact monetary value. In most cases, your medical bills are the most significant economic damages following a Houston car wreck. 

Basically, economic damages are losses that can be precisely calculated. Some examples of economic losses include:

  • Medical bills
  • Medication costs
  • Rehabilitation expenses
  • Surgery
  • Ambulance fees
  • Lost income or wages

You should not settle an injury claim until you or your Houston car wreck lawyer can accurately calculate the value of your damages, so you should not accept a settlement offer from the insurance company until you are certain of all of your expenses and damages associated with the accident. 

Non-Economic Damages

You may not know the full value of your economic damages right away. After an accident, you may also sustain non-economic losses. These losses do not have a set price tag, so they must be determined by the circumstances of your case. You may or may not have suffered non-economic damages after an accident. Some of the most common non-economic damages include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Disfigurement
  • Disability

Non-economic losses can be harder to prove in your claim. You will have to demonstrate that you suffered significant injuries, such as a permanent disability. These are losses that do not have a set financial value. Your Houston personal injury attorney will gather evidence of your damages to show the extent of any non-economic damages. 

Types of Damages in a Houston Car Crash Claim

Wrongful Death Claims

When a person dies due to the negligence or willful act of another person or party, it is known as wrongful death. If a loved one died in an accident, you may be eligible to recover compensation for certain kinds of damages. Damages related to wrongful death claims usually include burial and funeral costs, along with economic and non-economic losses sustained by the victim before death. The family of the deceased may be able to recover compensation after the loss of a loved one. An experienced Houston wrongful death attorney can help you prepare your claim. 

A severe car accident can be catastrophic and change you and your family forever. If you or a loved one were injured in an accident, do not delay pursuing a claim. The law has limits set on when you must file your case. 

Houston Car Wreck Attorneys

Someone is killed in a car crash in the state of Texas nearly every two hours, and an injury accident takes place every 2 minutes and 17 seconds on average. Car crashes are the leading cause of death and serious injury in the state, and injured parties are often overwhelmed by significant damages in the aftermath of a collision and need the help of a qualified Houston personal injury lawyer to pursue a claim. 

The legal team at West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD can help you recover after being unfairly injured by a reckless driver. Nhan Nguyen, Nader A. Rabie, and the rest of our team of experienced attorneys has over 14 years of combined experience, and we have the resources to pursue all possible avenues of compensation. Give us a call today at 713-840-7200 to discuss your case and see what we can do for you.