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Taxi services have been around for a while now. New technology has revolutionized how we get around, and the traditional taxi service is largely a thing of the past. This evolution was made possible by apps like Uber, which made transportation more accessible to a wider range of people. Despite the fact that Uber is still relatively new, it has quickly established itself as a major competitor to taxi services.

It is now no surprise that Uber driver accidents occur on a daily basis all over the world.  In one case, the driver was charged with vehicular manslaughter after hitting and killing a pedestrian, and the mother of the victim filed a suit against Uber shortly after. 

Many people are unsure who is at fault for an accident involving a rideshare vehicle, and determining liability for a crash can be difficult. An experienced Uber accident lawyer in Houston can help navigate the complexities of these types of cases. 

Who Is Liable for an Uber Accident?

In the event of a car accident, Uber and its drivers are contractually bound to a three-part liability test. Uber and its drivers can only be held liable for accidents if they do the following:

  • Violated the law — either through action or inaction
  • Were personally responsible for the accident
  • Were acting in a grossly negligent or criminal manner

While it may be unclear whether Uber or its drivers are to blame for an accident, it’s almost certain that the passenger is not. You require assistance if you were involved in a car accident and sustained serious injuries. 

You should consult with a rideshare accident attorney to learn more about your options. The delicately nuanced relationship between Uber and personal vehicle accidents is a topic that’s been circulating in the news recently. When an Uber driver causes an accident, who is to blame? In most cases, the answer is not quite so straightforward. 

The general rule outlined above has a few exceptions. If an Uber car is operating illegally, the driver is usually the only one to blame for the accident. However, if an Uber driver violates traffic laws and causes an accident, they may be held equally responsible. When you are injured in a car accident, the person who caused it is usually responsible for your damages.  In a rideshare accident, this is not always clear. Is Uber of the rideshare driver responsible? 

Is the Driver Responsible? 

The majority of people want to hear Uber as an answer. In most cases, the blame game is a two-way street. Uber supporters will argue that the company provides a valuable service to a large population that requires transportation. The business has a solid reputation for being trustworthy and safe. Representatives from the company will frequently claim that all Uber drivers adhere to the company’s safety and other policies and should be held financially liable for any damages.

Is Uber Responsible? 

Supporters of the drivers will argue that the company should be held responsible because the driver was operating within the company’s guidelines and that the company should have done more to accept responsibility for the accident. At the very least, the company should have ensured that both the driver and the passenger were covered by insurance. Passengers may face higher bills as a result of rideshare accidents, due to the $1 surcharge the driver will face as a result of the accident, as well as additional trips that may be requested to get the passenger to their destination.

The only way to really find out who is to blame for your accident is to consult a qualified personal injury lawyer in Houston

Uber Accident Lawyers in Houston

Is the Rideshare Company or Driver Responsible for My Auto Accident?

After being injured in a rideshare accident, a skilled Houston rideshare accident attorney can assist you in making a complete recovery. These companies will try to avoid responsibility in any way they can. That is why you need someone on your side who is looking out for your best interests. The attorneys of West Loop Law and the Law Office of Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD have spent their lives fighting to hold people and corporations accountable for negligence, recklessness, and misconduct that has resulted in catastrophic and fatal injuries.

Nhan Nguyen, MD, JD and Nader Rabie, JD have experience handling cases involving rideshare accidents and can fight for your full compensation.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a rideshare accident, contact us immediately at (713) 840-7200 to see what we can do for you.